The Coming Global Elite Economy
Orwell Was Right !!!
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Shame that the majority of the population is too stoned and occupied with Netflix to even care about what’s going on or to stand up for their rights
Justin Trudeau said it was a conspiracy theory so this must be fake news. LOL
That is why Sweden didn’t lockdown. They are and were already locked down. They obey. Near cashless society, no 2nd amendment. Private property small to none. Individual? what does that mean they ask?
“I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.” Bro, with the massive lines forming outside of the food banks due to the forced government shut down already, it’s definitely stiff drink time. It’s more than that, it’s time to rebel, tell the government, no.
The elites won’t be part of the system, they are trying to create a little kingdom of servants to take care of their needs and pet projects. They will still own property, everyone else won’t.
This is exactly what the pope wants with the “common good” read his last two encyclicals it’s communism! Private property is not a right in his eyes it’s right there in writing
The government already owns everything. Private property is a myth. Just try not paying your property taxes and see how private your property is.
No intellectual property – all ideas/thoughts will be assimilated in to the cloud
I’ll trade a brain implant for a brain implant. Mine is 9mms wide and gets inserted at about 1280fps. I’ll start.
I gotta say George sometimes i disagree with your interpretations of things but i am mightily impressed by your work ethic and the sheer amount of high quality content you’ve been pumping out for 1.5 years now. Respect!
I will be selling bat soup cakes to phase 3 transgender cooperative wedding tri-partners, and they will be happy.
Nah we gotta take things into our own hands. I’m fighting. That’s all I know…
George Gammon didn’t suicide himself after he uploaded this epic vid! 🤣😂
These “elites” would already have the AI setup and ready to go if they are implementing it by 2030. It’s just a matter of buying off enough of the politicians and rolling it out.
Not so sure, they are going to allow independent, parallel societies for the rebels and let them keep property. Seems farfetched.
My Father just yesterday gave me a lecture on believing in these things. He thinks I am going crazy
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That’s exactly what USSR was trying to do. Guess how that experiment pan out?
“Tin foil hat”-territory: When you actually need to wear a tin foil hat in order to prevent your thoughts from being uploaded to the ABC.
One day it really happens. Human beings shall all be distinguished as we are no longer needed. Just them and a fancy New World
This is why they run the george floyd psyop. Get rid of the cops and the ai is the police
WEF, Politicians, FED chairman, Bankers, Special interest groups: understand this folks, these are all murderous, treasonous, thieves. Show no mercy when you execute them.
I first heard the words “the great reset” sitting round a camp fire in New Zealand in 2018, watching this nightmare vision become a slow creeping reality has been very very very unpleasant.
It’s funny how only a handful of people have been talking about this. I’m glad you’re bringing some attention to their agenda you are awesome at explaining things
This is what governments are trying to do worldwide and never accept this never accept the one world religion the 1 world currency which they want to implement when the reset happens and never accept the laws that are outside your own country of the 1 world government the 3 things they’re trying to implement Never forget this Resist by any means possible
The planscamdemic is all unfolding. People are rioting around the world, daily. This is almost comical to watch on the screen, except it’s real life. Better Buy Gold Now..!! Or take out Mr. Bigglesworth and all of his friends.
Despite the economic crisis this is the best time to make some series of investment.
Yeah, I’ll be one of those people living in the 19th century houses. The city folks need not be “concerned” for me.
Schwab founder of the WEF writes all this in his book “The fourth Industrial Revolution”
Don’t worry George you won’t be alone on the outside, I’d be with you…
“The study of economics is the study of incentives.” — Cherif Medawar
The Matrix. Life imitates art. We need the One to save us from the world of these globalist technocrats. The One is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Canada is all in on the plan. Sad, creepy downright f**** scary. True Doh .
Just want to point out that in the weforum blog post, they have only changed the page heading. But if you hover over the browser tab, you can still see the title tag with its original title quoted in this video.
She is referring to the UN agenda 21/agenda 2030 “mega cities”. The agenda’s have already been agreed to by the US, and almost every country on the planet.
Thats after 85% are gone. MASS GENOCIDE is here. They all have duping delight!